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Book top-rated cleaners for all your home services.
The easiest way to book and manage Home Cleaning services in Belgium. Only 9€ / hour with the "Titres-Services" system (7,65€ / hour after tax-discount in the Brussels region).
Find your cleaner now
How does Pootsy work?
Pick a time
See all availabilities of cleaners in your neighbourhood and pick your preferred time & frequency
Book instantly
Book a cleaner from a local 'Titres-Services' partner and get an instant confirmation.
Follow your services
A professional, trained cleaner will perform the service, which you can follow and manage in the App
For your company
A web interface to manage your business
pictoManage your planning
Dynamic & real-time management of your employees' planning and services. Let your agenda fill-up automatically, and let your staff focus on what really matters for your business.
pictoFollow your team, real-time !
Be aware of what's happening on the field. You'll be notified if any problem occurs, and you'll be able to communicate with both your customers and cleaners.
pictoAlways available & everywhere
Your interface is in the cloud ! That means you can connect from any computer, and access all your plannings, social secretary exports and sodexo documents, wherever you are !
For your workers
A mobile App for your cleaners
checkmarkReal-time access to their planning and schedule (availabilities, holidays,...)
checkmarkYour workers update the status of their services and report problems
checkmarkDigital communication system with their company and their customers
checkmarkServices paid with electronic vouchers are automatically encoded
checkmarkPaper service vouchers can be scanned right from the app
checkmarkAvailable on both iOS and Android
For your customers
An app and a website for your customers
checkmarkYour agenda fills up automatically when customers book their services
checkmarkA webpage dedicated to your agency allows your customers to find you easily. And ensures the best search ranking.
checkmarkStay in touch with your customers with the in-app chat
checkmarkReal-time service monitoring
checkmarkAvailable on both iOS and Android
In a nutshell
Why should your company use Pootsy?
pictoManage your workers, their plannings, and your customers
pictoReal-time control of your workers' activity
pictoStreamlined communication between you and your customers
pictoNew customer acquisition channel
pictoIntegration with your social secretary and Sodexo
pictoEasy to use, no installation required
Discover the customer's appbgcusto